Learn business growth with Google Analytics 4 Forums Google Analytics 4 Tracking Conversions in GA4: Updating Div from iframe, Feasible? Reply To: Tracking Conversions in GA4: Updating Div from iframe, Feasible?

  • Theo

    24 June 2023 at 2:12 am

    Absolutely, you can set up a conversion for such a scenario. Here’s the deal: when you’re dealing with an iframe, it’s a bit tricky because we don’t have direct access to elements inside it from the outside, right? But don’t worry, we have a solution.

    One option is to have your iframe convey the message to the parent when an update occurs. It’s like a little courier between the iframe and your main page. When the form status changes, it notifies the parent of the update.

    Alternatively, you could bring in the big guns and use Google Tag Manager (GTM) directly within the iframe. This way, you’re handling the messaging yourself and you have full control over it.

    So yes, it can be done. Customize that conversion marker and make your GA4 data work for you.