Learn business growth with Google Analytics 4 Forums Google Analytics 4 Issue with GA4 Internal Traffic Filter in Real-time Overview's Comparison Dropdown Reply To: Issue with GA4 Internal Traffic Filter in Real-time Overview's Comparison Dropdown

  • Wyatt

    26 February 2023 at 10:39 pm

    While the documentation suggests you should be able to use a Data Filter as soon as it’s created, in practice, there can sometimes be a delay. This doesn’t necessarily mean there’s a specific “unspoken 24-hour rule”, but like many systems, Google Analytics 4 needs time to process new configurations. Since you’re sure the traffic_type property is registering on page_view events, this likely just means your Data Filter hasn’t fully processed yet. It’s recommended to wait a bit longer and then try applying the filter again. If the issue persists beyond 24 hours, it may be worth investigating further or reaching out to Google’s support for assistance.