Learn business growth with Google Analytics 4 Forums Google Analytics 4 Optimizing GA4 Ecommerce Tracking: Maximizing Viewed Items and Cart Additions Reply To: Optimizing GA4 Ecommerce Tracking: Maximizing Viewed Items and Cart Additions

  • Thomas

    8 June 2023 at 2:15 am

    Sure, what you’re doing on your site sounds pretty spot on from my perspective. On my site, customers can add or remove items from their cart both from category & search listings and the product details page. When a customer interacts with the category or search listing, I include the item_list_id and item_list_name, but I don’t do this on the product details page. Similarly, I don’t pass this information when a customer tweaks their cart contents, although I do fire off a view_cart event.

    And don’t worry about storing the URL – Google Analytics has it covered. The platform knows the URL of every page that triggers an event, so it’s not something you need to worry about.