Learn business growth with Google Analytics 4 Forums Google Analytics 4 Discrepancy between GTM and GA4: Missing values in GA4 for DataLayer parameters Reply To: Discrepancy between GTM and GA4: Missing values in GA4 for DataLayer parameters

  • Oliver

    5 July 2023 at 10:21 pm

    While it is difficult to provide a specific solution without seeing the code, this kind of inconsistency is typically associated with timing issues, such as the GA tag firing before the dataLayer is fully populated. You may want to check if your tag is set to fire when the dataLayer is fully formed, rather than at page view. It might also be worth checking the structure and integrity of the data you’re sending over to ensure that nothing is getting lost in translation. Another possibility could be data sampling in GA4, where not all events are recorded, especially if you have a high volume of traffic. It’s also important to remember that in preview mode, GTM doesn’t have the same delay in data processing as GA, so data visibility in real-time GA may be delayed. If none of these apply, reaching out to Google’s support team or forums can help you troubleshoot further.