Learn business growth with Google Analytics 4 Forums Google Analytics 4 Inconsistencies between Google Analytics 4 Data API and Web Interface Results Reply To: Inconsistencies between Google Analytics 4 Data API and Web Interface Results

  • Harper

    20 April 2023 at 4:50 am

    The discrepancy you’re seeing between the GA4 data API and the GA4 interface or query explorer might not be due to data sampling. It could be related to how Google Analytics 4 applies filters, dimension limitations, or how it handles different event types. The GA4 data API might be returning a subset of the total events captured for the period. These “missing” events could potentially be from the “web/tablet” platform/device category. Also, the exclusion of the platform/device category dimension from your data request generating matching results might suggest that there’s a special filtering or limitation for this dimension specifically when queried via the GA4 data API. If the data discrepancy remains, it might be worth testing with another reporting dimension as well as reaching out to Google support. Comparing the results across different dimensions can help you identify if it’s a specific issue with the platform/device category dimension. It’ll also allow you to provide specific examples if you decide to engage Google support on this issue.