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  • Joseph

    16 June 2023 at 10:02 pm

    Your issue might be related to the permissions of the user that is attempting to approve the account ticket. In order to approve an account ticket, the user must be logged in to a Google account and that account must have the ‘Provisioning’ permission. If the user does not have this permission, an ‘access denied’ error will appear. Check to ensure that the Google account has the needed permissions. Additionally, it’s advisable to ensure that the ticket ID is being correctly appended to the URL. Ensure there are no extra slashes or characters. This might be a reason for the ‘account token is missing’ error. If none of the above assists in solving the problem, it could be due to issues with the alpha version of the AnalyticsAdminService client. Remember that alpha versions are early releases that might not be fully tested or contain all final features.