Learn business growth with Google Analytics 4 Forums Google Analytics 4 Troubleshooting GA4: Enhanced measurement not tracking view_search_results event properly Reply To: Troubleshooting GA4: Enhanced measurement not tracking view_search_results event properly

  • Mia

    5 March 2023 at 9:04 pm

    The issue you’re encountering might be due to how your search results page path is structured. The enhanced measurement in Google Analytics 4 (GA4) looks for certain URL structures to automatically generate the view_search_results event. By default, GA4 enhanced measurement interprets URLs with ‘search’, ‘query’, or ‘keyword’ as Search Results type pages. However, it does not account for other query parameter labels or different URL structures. If your website’s search parameter is something other than what GA4 automatically detects, then GA4 might only record the page_view event, not the view_search_results.

    You can verify this by checking the configuration and the structure of your URLs. Make sure that the URLs match what GA4 is looking for – like “q”, “query”, “s”, “search”, “searchword”, and “keyword”. If the search parameter differs, you might need to tweak the GA4 configuration or adjust the URLs. Alteratively, you could use the GA4 data stream settings to manually specify the search parameter label in ‘More Tagging Settings’ under the ‘Site Search’ section.