Learn business growth with Google Analytics 4 Forums Google Analytics 4 Enabling Time-Based Event Parameters in GA4, GTM, and Looker Reply To: Enabling Time-Based Event Parameters in GA4, GTM, and Looker

  • Abigail

    26 June 2023 at 9:10 am

    Yes, you could add a time dimension to GA4. However, implementing this and having the information reflect in Looker Studio might be a little tricky. GA4 does indeed default dimensions to include date and hour, and there’s also the ‘dateHourMinute’ dimension provided by GA4, but using GTM might not be enough. You would likely need to create a custom dimension in GA4 to capture the full timestamp information, then use that as an event parameter. Besides, you then need to be cautious about how your Looker Studio is set up, and some custom scripting might be involved to parse out the date and time from that timestamp information to use it as separate dimensions. That is not something directly available out of the box and would require some technical acumen to implement.