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  • Jayden

    2 July 2023 at 4:27 pm

    Hey there! So, I think I’ve spotted what might be going wrong here. You need to check out your collect network request to see if your dimension is actually being set – that’s an important debugging step.

    As it turns out, gtag set isn’t doing what you think it is. Instead, try using config or setting your user id property directly in the event. For more info, here’s a cool link with a full answer: [Google Analytics custom dimension not working: gtag set() method issues](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/73870122/google-analytics-custom-dimension-not-working-gtag-set-method-issues)

    After that, if you’re still facing issues, please share a screenshot of your actual Network call, that definitely helps determine if the problem is with GA, or on your page. Keep going, you’ve got this!