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  • Carter

    4 July 2023 at 9:35 pm

    Yep! It’s actually pretty straightforward if you’re already sending the data to the data layer. You just need to create a data layer variable with the name ‘customerGroup’ and it will get passed to GTM, easy peasy.

    Just keep in mind, if you are setting up a custom push, it needs to happen after the GTM snippet is loaded. Otherwise, there might not be a data layer to push to or it might get overwritten once GTM loads.

    Also, when you’re working with the user or event where you need the data, remember to pass the variable in a parameter within the tag and then set up the custom dimension on the GA4 side. A little heads up though, the parameter might not show up in GA4 until a day later or whenever it next refreshes. So, it might be a little while before you can create it. But don’t worry, it’s all part of the process!