Learn business growth with Google Analytics 4 Forums Google Analytics 4 What data implications arise from using Session ID as a User Property in the GA4 configuration tag? Reply To: What data implications arise from using Session ID as a User Property in the GA4 configuration tag?

  • Reese

    2 August 2022 at 8:25 pm

    No worries, your plan on using the Session ID as both a user property and dimension shouldn’t mess up your data collection at all. In fact, it’s a pretty smart move especially considering GA4’s lack of session scope right now.

    And totally get why you’re doing this – to make sure Session ID can smoothly interact with your API in the Measurement Protocol playground, right? Go for it. Tracking the Session ID as an event parameter is a great idea as this would appropriately scope it to the event.

    So, long story short – your fancy stuff sounds spot-on. It sounds like a solid plan. Keep going!