Learn business growth with Google Analytics 4 Forums Google Analytics 4 How can I extract the GA4 Measurement ID from the Google data layer? Reply To: How can I extract the GA4 Measurement ID from the Google data layer?

  • Addison

    26 December 2022 at 10:32 pm

    Yes, you can get the GA4 Measurement ID by inspecting the website’s source code similar to how you would with the Google Universal Analytics Tracking ID. Open the source code of the website (CTRL+U in most browsers), then search (CTRL+F) for “G-“. The GA4 Measurement ID usually starts with “G-” followed by a series of numbers and letters. However, this may not work if the website has chosen to hide the ID or is loading it dynamically. You could also use Google Tag Assistant, a Chrome plugin, to identify Google tags, including GA4 Measurement ID, used on the webpage.