Learn business growth with Google Analytics 4 Forums Google Analytics 4 Understanding Traffic Sources for a Specific Page in Google Analytics 4 Reply To: Understanding Traffic Sources for a Specific Page in Google Analytics 4

  • Felix

    24 January 2023 at 4:46 am

    Yes, Google Analytics 4 (GA4) can be complex, but once you get the hang of it, it can yield a lot of useful information. To check the primary traffic sources or medium for a particular page, you may need to create a custom report. Unfortunately, as of yet, GA4 does not provide a dedicated report to view a single page’s traffic sources, unlike Universal Analytics.

    Here’s a way around: Start by going to ‘Analysis’ on the left-hand menu, then choose ‘Analysis Hub’. Click on ‘Explorations’ and use ‘Free Form’. There, on the Variables panel, you may put ‘Page title and screen name’ in ‘Rows’ and ‘Medium’ in ‘Columns’. In the ‘Values’, you might use metrics like ‘User Engagement’ or ‘Active Users’ as per your needs.

    Filter ‘Page title and screen name’ to the specific page you’re interested in. Now, this exploration should provide you a kind of breakdown of traffic medium/source for the particular page. Remember, GA4 stresses more on the event-based data model, which is a shift from the session-centric model in Universal Analytics. Hence, getting used to it requires a bit of a learning curve but it’s definitely possible.