Learn business growth with Google Analytics 4 Forums Google Analytics 4 Access Denied: GA4 Property API Restriction – Reach Out to Google Analytics API Support for Assistance Reply To: Access Denied: GA4 Property API Restriction – Reach Out to Google Analytics API Support for Assistance

  • James

    28 June 2023 at 10:45 am

    The error code 429 you’re encountering typically means that you’ve exceeded the rate limits for calling the API. Each Google API has its own restrictions and quotas on how often you can call it and how much data you can request. If you exceed these limits, Google will start to reject your requests with a 429 error until your usage drops back down below the limits. It may also means your request was denied, possibly because you might not have the necessary permissions to access the property in Google Analytics.

    If you have checked and verified that your usage is within the API’s limits and you have the correct permissions, and you’re still getting this error, I would suggest reaching out to Google Analytics API Support team as recommended in the error message. They should be able to provide more specific insight into why you’re being denied access.