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  • What is the reason behind the token usage limit of 1 in Google Analytics Data API?

    Posted by Isabella on 7 June 2023 at 7:15 pm

    Hey folks, have you also noticed something odd with the token consumption? It looks like it’s stuck at 1 since the start of this week. 🤔 Kinda strange considering it used to hover somewhere closer to 10. Got me wondering if there might be some behind-the-scenes changes or plans stirring.

    Just to give a bit more context, here’s some of the requests and responses I’ve been playing around with:

    A typical request I’ve been sending:

        "dateRanges": [
                "endDate": "2023-03-30",
                "startDate": "2021-10-01"
        "dimensions": [
                "name": "date"
                "name": "pagePath"
        "metrics": [
                "name": "sessions"
                "name": "screenPageViews"
        "returnPropertyQuota": true

    And the row count I’m getting back:


    And here’s the latest on the quota front:

        "concurrentRequests": {
            "remaining": 10
        "potentiallyThresholdedRequestsPerHour": {
            "remaining": 120
        "serverErrorsPerProjectPerHour": {
            "remaining": 10
        "tokensPerDay": {
            "consumed": 1,
            "remaining": 24975
        "tokensPerHour": {
            "consumed": 1,
            "remaining": 4990
        "tokensPerProjectPerHour": {
            "consumed": 1,
            "remaining": 1740

    Is anyone else finding the same thing? I’d love to hear your thoughts.

    Ava replied 1 year, 3 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Alexander

    23 June 2023 at 8:14 pm

    The user is observing an anomaly in the token consumption for their application, as from their recent data, it appears to be stuck at 1 instead of the usual closer to 10 that they typically observe. They have provided their typical request, revealing that the dimensions they’re usually concerned with include ‘date’ and ‘pagePath’. Their metrics typically involve ‘sessions’ and ‘screenPageViews’. The response data suggests that only a single token is being consumed per day and per hour. They also mentioned that other quota information like concurrent requests, potentially thresholded requests per hour, server errors per project per hour have enough remaining count. They are curious if this abnormality is something that other users are experiencing and wondering if there might be some changes taking place behind the scenes.

  • Ava

    3 July 2023 at 12:05 am

    It seems like you’re noticing some weirdness with your token usage appearing low. Not entirely sure of the cause, but you could be onto something about changes happening behind the scenes. Interesting to see if others are finding similar things!

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