Understanding the ideal GA4 audience scope for session and event criteria
Can someone help explain why I am encountering issues with choosing scope while creating an audience group in GA4? Let’s say that the membership duration is 30 days by default, and the condition is to include web users whose page path & query string (or any event with the page_url attribute) contains a certain string. Let’s talk about a user, John who had 2 sessions (A and B) that met the criteria on 5/6, 1 session (C) that met the criteria on 5/7, but 1 session (D) that didn’t on 5/8. Now depending on condition scope, the groups work differently.
So, why does the estimated audience size on GA4’s interface show as 1 < 3 < 4 = 2 in this scenario, whereas I had assumed it would be 1 < 2 = 3 = 4 based on the conditions? Any insight into this would be appreciated. Thanks for your time!
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