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  • Troubleshooting insufficient authentication scopes when listing Google Analytics 4 admin accounts in PHP

    Posted by Brooke on 20 July 2022 at 3:25 am

    Hey there! I need a bit of help and was hoping you could provide some insight. Currently, I’m working on migrating from Universal Analytics Admin to GA4 Admin, and I’m just getting started with the most basic task – getting a list of the accounts using my service file. Here’s what my code looks like:


    The JSON file I’m using looks like this:


    Despite following the steps carefully, I’m facing an annoying exception:


    Interestingly, I’ve attempted this with and without the explicit “scopes” config at the time of creating the client, but it doesn’t seem to make a difference. Can you spot where I might be going wrong? Any suggestions would be hugely appreciated!

    Oliver replied 1 year, 3 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Kendall

    25 July 2022 at 2:54 pm

    Without the specific code snippet, JSON file, and error message, it’s quite difficult to provide an exact solution. However, the issue you’re facing could potentially be related to a number of common problems. Be sure you’ve correctly set up your service account in Google Cloud Console and you’ve granted it the appropriate permissions. The JSON file you’re using should be the one downloaded directly from your service account. Also, ensure this file is stored securely and referenced correctly in your code (check your paths).

    When it comes to scopes, make sure that you’re using the correct ones. The error message might provide specifics on which scopes are missing or incorrect. Lastly, a common error is not correctly integrating the service account with the GA4 property. In your GA4 property, check to see if the service account email is added under GA4 Admin > Data Settings > Data Access. Your service account needs to be added here in order to give read/write access.

    As a general good practice, always update your Google API PHP client to the latest version, to ensure compatibility with recently updated APIs.

    Remember, all these suggestions are general and the actual solution may vary depending on your exact error message, your code, and your environment. If these do not work, please share more specific details.

  • Oliver

    7 August 2022 at 4:25 pm

    To troubleshoot the issue, please check the following points. First, ensure that the account linked to the service file you’re using has proper permissions to access the data you’re attempting to pull. If not you might need to grant the necessary access. Secondly, verify your JSON format since malformed JSON could cause exceptions.

    Additionally, make sure your service file is in the correct location and being correctly referenced in your code. If the “scopes” config doesn’t make any difference, it might not be the problem. It could be due to an error with the client creation process or an issue with the Google API’s themselves.

    Finally, closely examine the error message you’re getting. It’s often quite informative and can tell you whether it’s an authorization issue, an issue with reaching the Google servers, or some other problem entirely. In some cases, the issue could be with environment specific settings such as PHP version or specific dependencies not being met. If all else fails, contacting Google support could result in further help.

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