Troubleshooting Firebase Integration Issue with Google Analytics 4 on Android
I’m in the middle of integrating Firebase Google Analytics 4 with MParticle. Added this dependency:
and then a bunch of error messages started popping up:Apptimize: Apptimize did not detect Flurry. If you are using Flurry, then the most likely cause is ProGuard. Please consult the Apptimize docs for how to adjust your ProGuard configuration.
You get the idea. There were similar messages for Google Analytics V3, V4, Mixpanel, Omniture 2.x, Adobe AppMeasurement 3.x, Adobe Mobile 4.x Config class, Adobe Mobile 4.x Analytics, Localytics, and Amplitude.
Before I threw in the GA4 dependency, everything was smooth sailing. I set up Proguard based on these guidelines.
Here are my dependencies:
// mParticle mParticle = "com.mparticle:android-core:${versions.mParticle}" // mParticle Braze Kit braze = "com.mparticle:android-appboy-kit:${versions.mParticle}" // mParticle Apptimize Kit apptimize = "com.mparticle:android-apptimize-kit:${versions.mParticle}" // Adjust Kit adjustKit = "com.mparticle:android-adjust-kit:${versions.mParticle}" // Firebase for GA4 mParticleGa4 = "com.mparticle:android-googleanalyticsfirebasega4-kit:${versions.mParticle}"
I’ve done a few things so far:
- Tweaked the dependency version across all packages
- Checked out Proguard rules
- Reached out to support 🙁
And here’s my Proguard:
-keep class com.apptimize.** { *; } -keepclassmembers class * extends com.apptimize.ApptimizeTest { <methods>; } -keep class android.support.v4.view.ViewPager -keepclassmembers class android.support.v4.view.ViewPager$LayoutParams { *; } -keep class android.support.v4.app.Fragment { *; } -keep class com.mixpanel.android.mpmetrics.MixpanelAPI { *; } -keep class com.google.android.gms.analytics.Tracker { *; } -keep class com.google.analytics.tracking.android.Tracker { *; } -keep class com.flurry.android.FlurryAgent { *; } -keep class com.omniture.AppMeasurementBase { *; } -keep class com.adobe.adms.measurement.ADMS_Measurement { *; } -keep class com.adobe.mobile.Analytics { *; } -keep class com.adobe.mobile.Config { *; } -keep class com.localytics.android.Localytics { *; }
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