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  • Troubleshooting a sudden tracking issue with e-commerce purchases on a WordPress site

    Posted by Oliver on 29 October 2022 at 2:39 am

    Out of the blue, the purchase event on our online store ceased tracking. However, all the other events like begin_checkout, add_to_cart, add_payment_info and so on, are dutifully being tracked. A bit strange, huh?

    We’re using Google Tag Manager along with GA4 to track these commerce happenings on our cool WordPress site.

    To the best of my knowledge, we didn’t fiddle around with anything about GTM or Google Analytics. I even scoped out plugin updates, and shut off a few that were updated around the time the purchase event went AWOL, but nada, zilch, no change.

    So, any bright ideas why of all things, only the purchase event keeps playing hide and seek?

    Dakota replied 1 year, 3 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Casey

    6 July 2023 at 9:38 pm

    It could be one of two things – either something on your site’s checkout page has changed and the ‘purchase’ event code got misplaced somewhere in the process, or it could be a bug with Google’s algorithms. I suggest doing a thorough audit of the ‘purchase’ event code on your site. If stuff still isn’t clearing up, you might want to contact Google Support.

  • Dakota

    7 July 2023 at 4:36 pm

    Troubleshooting tracking issues for a specific event like ‘purchase’ might involve a few different steps. One possibility could be a change in your site’s purchase confirmation process or checkout page — if the structure of that page changed significantly, and Google Tag Manager was reliant on certain elements of that page to initiate the ‘purchase’ event, it might have stopped working. Possible solutions might include adjusting the setup of your ‘purchase’ event in Google Tag Manager to reflect the new page structure, or reverting the changes made to your checkout page. It might also be worth checking to see if there have been any updates or changes to the GTM or GA4 platforms themselves that could be causing the issue — sometimes, platform updates can cause compatibility problems until old setups are updated to match. It’s also worth checking the health of the codes and scripts related to the ‘purchase’ event, anything from a simple syntax error to unidentified variables might be the cause of your problem. Having a developer go through these considerations might quickly resolve the issue.

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