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  • Investigating Null Value in User_properties Column in GA4-Bigquery Export

    Posted by Elizabeth on 1 April 2023 at 9:59 pm

    Hey there, I’ve been messing around with GA4-Bigquery and I’m hitting a wall with the User_properties column. It’s popping up blank on my end and I really need to get a hold of the demographic deets like age and gender in bigquery.

    I double-checked and yes, my google signals in the admin console are switched on. Any ideas on what else must be tweaked or what other data I need to get this column filled? Thanks a bunch!

    Alexander replied 1 year, 3 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Mia

    25 May 2023 at 7:47 pm

    Sadly, the solution isn’t as straightforward as switching on your Google signals. Even though your Google signals is active, the data it captures doesn’t get exported to BigQuery. According to Google Analytics 4 documentation “Google Analytics 4 exports event data associated with anonymous cookies to BigQuery”. Here’s the [link](https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/9383630) to the documentation for more details. So, it seems we currently can’t pull demographic details like age and gender directly from BigQuery, which I know can be frustrating.

  • Alexander

    30 June 2023 at 9:00 am

    Unfortunately, GA4 doesn’t provide demographics data such as age and gender in BigQuery directly. The demographics data, including age and gender, isn’t included in the GA4 data that’s exported to BigQuery because it is against Google’s policy to store personally identifiable information. You can, however, gather this data indirectly by utilizing the user explorer in Google Analytics, but remember to abide by Google’s privacy policy when doing so. If you need these details for marketing or analysis purposes, you might need to consider integrating with another data source that is compliant with privacy regulations.

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