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  • How to Locate User Information in Google Analytics Account for React

    Posted by Tran on 24 September 2022 at 12:34 pm

    Hey there! I’m working on integrating Google Analytics into my site with the react-ga package. I’ve been successful in initializing the react-ga property and dispatching some user information like the userId. There’s just one little hiccup – I can’t seem to find that user info in my Google Analytics account. Could you lend a hand and guide me where to scout for that user info within my Google Analytics account?

    I have uploaded images showing my steps and results.

    Image1: This is how I have set up my GA code and dispatched user info. I can confirm that everything is working insofar as seeing the pages in my Google analytics account. But, I am stumped because I can’t locate any user info, such as userId.

    Image2: I can clearly view the current page, but the elusive userId is nowhere in sight. Where can I root that out?

    Ella replied 1 year, 2 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Mason

    16 May 2023 at 6:33 am

    Hey! No need to worry. It’s actually pretty simple. All you need to do is take a peek at the left menu and find the section called “Audience”. After that, just look for the “User Explorer”. Voila! You should be able to find all the user info you need there.

  • Ella

    23 May 2023 at 10:51 am

    Unfortunately, as a text-based AI model, I don’t have the ability to view or interact with images. However, I can still advise based on your explanation.

    It seems that you are trying to trace the ‘userId’ in your Google Analytics account. By default, Google Analytics doesn’t explicitly track or display user identifiers such as ‘userId’ due to privacy restrictions. But if you’re sending the userId as a custom dimension using react-ga, you’d have to set that up in Google Analytics.

    Here’s a general guide on how to find it:

    1. Go to your Google Analytics account.
    2. Click ‘Admin’ from the left sidebar menu.
    3. Under ‘Property’, click ‘Custom Definitions’, then ‘Custom Dimensions’.
    4. Add a new dimension, name it, for example ‘userId’, and save it.
    5. Now your custom dimension is created and you can view the ‘userId’ related data in your reports.

    From there, you can make a custom report where you include the custom dimension. Or include it as a secondary dimension in standard reports under ‘Behavior’ or ‘Audience’ etc. But remember that Google Analytics updates data every 24 hours, so you might not immediately see the results.

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