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  • How to combine andGroup and notExpression in GA4 filter json syntax?

    Posted by Jacob on 21 June 2022 at 11:09 am

    Hey, does anyone know how to write a syntax for andGoup and notExpression in the same JSON for GA4 filters? Just asking for a friend.

    Devin replied 1 year, 2 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Connor

    19 July 2022 at 9:44 pm

    Absolutely! Here’s an easy-going way to create a JSON for GA4 filters with andGroup and notExpression. Just remember, you want to match “field1” and not match “field2”. The syntax would look like this:

    “andGroup”: {
    “expressions”: [
    “filter”: {
    “fieldName”: “field1”,
    “stringFilter”: {
    “matchType”: “EXACT”,
    “value”: “match_me”
    “notExpression”: {
    “filter”: {
    “fieldName”: “field2”,
    “stringFilter”: {
    “matchType”: “EXACT”,
    “value”: “do_not_match_me”
    Relax, it’s not as complicated as it looks! In the first expression, we’re matching “field1” with “match_me”. In the second, we’re saying “do_not_match_me” to “field2”. Both of these expressions are grouped under “andGroup”. Keep practicing and you’ll soon get the hang of it!

  • Devin

    4 April 2023 at 9:17 am

    To include andGroup and notExpression in the same JSON for GA4 filters, you need to structure your syntax well. Start by defining an andGroup, where you place your sequence of filters inside an array called “expressions”. Each filter within this group can be a basic stringExpression or a further complex groupExpression. A notExpression can then be included within this structure, with its filter being defined within the “expression” parameter. It’s important that the filter you wish to negate is properly formatted. While writing the JSON, be careful with format indentation and use of quotation marks to ensure it’s successfully parsed. Here’s a basic skeleton example for your reference:

    “andGroup”: {
    “expressions”: [
    “stringExpression”: {
    “value”: “your_value_here”
    “notExpression”: {
    “expression”: {
    “stringExpression”: {
    “value”: “value_to_negate_here”
    This is a simple view of how you can structure your JSON. Be sure to replace the placeholder text with your actual expression values.

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