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  • How can I track the user's current page in React using GA?

    Posted by Ava on 22 July 2022 at 9:48 am

    I see you’ve set up a process to send the page title (URL) to GA using react-ga4, however, you’re observing that all the page titles on the GA side are showing as React App. You’re hoping to figure out how to properly get the page using GA4 and GTM in React, is that correct?

    Based on the code you’ve shared, you’re obtaining the page with hitType and sending the current URL with page when sending with send. It sounded like a solid plan, but the actual page title being sent is coming from the title part of index.html instead. Any ideas why this is happening?

    You’ve also shared the plugins you have installed. Do you think these might be affecting the process in any way?

    Charlotte replied 1 year, 2 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Theo

    15 August 2022 at 3:55 am

    It seems like you’re facing issues with sending the correct page title information to Google Analytics using the react-ga4 plugin, despite having set up a process to capture the current URL and sending it as a page hit. The problem might be stemming from the fact that the information being captured and sent is actually the title specified in the index.html file, which is “React App” in this case.

    Various factors could contribute to this behavior. One possibility is that the method used to capture the current URL might not be functioning as intended, hence not updating the page title according to the visited pages within your React application.

    Additionally, some of the plugins you’ve installed could potentially interfere with how the react-ga4 plugin works. While this is largely dependent on what each individual plugin does, it would be good to assess if the plugins might be affecting how information is captured and sent to Google Analytics. You might need to test their impact by temporarily disabling them to see if there are changes to the captured page title information.

  • Charlotte

    5 April 2023 at 1:36 am

    It seems like you have a system set up to track page views on Google Analytics (GA) using react-ga4, which is a library for React.js. However, instead of showing the accurate page title or URL, all pages are appearing as “React App” on GA, which is not what you expected. Your method to send the current URL when a page is viewed seems logically sound – it should work.

    One potential explanation for why this is happening could be that the title being sent to GA is derived from the ‘title’ tag in your ‘index.html’ file. This tag commonly holds a default or fallback title, which could be the “React App” that you are seeing. Despite your method to override this default title with the current page’s URL, it seems that the default title is being used anyway.

    In terms of the plugins you’re using, it’s difficult to say without more specific information. However, plugins can sometimes interfere with scripts and cause unexpected behaviors – so it’s not out of the question. It may be worthwhile to test your application without any plugins enabled to rule this out as a potential cause. Without more details about the exact codes or plugins being used, it may be challenging to pinpoint the exact reason for the problem. It’s recommended to consult with a web developer or a person with technical understanding of Google Analytics, React, and the related technologies to help resolve the issue.

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