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  • Trouble with GA4 API's dateHour parameter in the query explorer

    Posted by Archie on 5 January 2023 at 11:21 am

    Hey there, I’ve noticed that I’m not getting any rows when using dateHour in GA4 API. I’m a bit confused why this is happening as I’m using the GA4 query explorer. Can you clue me in a bit about it?

    Michael replied 1 year, 2 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Devin

    14 June 2023 at 1:09 pm

    Hey, no worries at all! Your dateHour should actually be functioning just fine. If you take a look at this handy example I pulled up dateHourResponse, you can see what your output should be looking like.+

    Just a quick question – are other parts of your property, such as date and eventName dimensions, showing up as expected? Give them a quick check if you haven’t already!

  • Michael

    18 June 2023 at 11:48 pm

    Google Analytics 4 (GA4) API’s “dateHour” option is used to retrieve data down to the hour level. If you’re not getting any rows, it might be because the period you’ve selected doesn’t contain data at the hourly level. This may occur either because you selected a duration that is too short (i.e., an hour or less), or there is no data for that specific hour. Another possibility is if there’s an issue with how the query is configured. You might want to check if you have the correct parameters set (for instance, choosing the right property ID) and that the metrics you are querying are in the correct format. Remember that GA4 API needs a few hours to process realtime data, so if the timeframe is too close to the current time, data may not be available yet.

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