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  • Elijah

    21 February 2023 at 5:26 pm

    Hey, I got it sorted out and thought I’d share the fix as it could help others dealing with the GA4 API. Here’s how I altered the ‘metricFilter’ section:

    'metricFilter' => new FilterExpression([
                    'filter' => new Filter([
                        'field_name' => 'eventCount',
                        'numeric_filter' => new FilterNumericFilter([
                            'operation' => FilterNumericFilterOperation::GREATER_THAN,
                            'value' => new NumericValue([
                                'int64_value'  =>  '10000'

    Turns out, you need to use a ‘NumericValue’ object for the ‘value’ field. Once I did that, it worked perfectly. Hope this helps!