Learn business growth with Google Analytics 4 Forums Google Analytics 4 Generating a Tracking Pixel with the Latest Google Analytics Measurement Protocol Reply To: Generating a Tracking Pixel with the Latest Google Analytics Measurement Protocol

  • Bailey

    20 May 2023 at 2:22 am

    You’re right, the way Google Analytics 4 is structured, it uses what’s called the Measurement Protocol for sending events server-side. This actually doesn’t involve a tracking pixel, just a POSTed message that includes a secret key. Important thing to remember – that key is secret, it’s a no-go for client side use!

    For stuff that’s client-side on an HTML page, like what I think you’re looking for, you should pivot to using the regular gtag for sending those events. I know it’s a bummer the set up is different from what we’re used to with the previous version of Google Analytics but hopefully, this helps clarify things a bit!