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  • Identifying line item indexes with JavaScript

    Posted by Sophie on 7 December 2022 at 8:32 am

    “Why is my code for the Google Tag Manager Javascript variable giving me the same index for every line item? Here’s a link to the webpage I’m using. The code is included below.”

    Arjun replied 1 year, 3 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Liam

    6 January 2023 at 1:10 am

    Sure, no problem. The issue was with your 5th line of code, but don’t worry – it’s a pretty simple mistake to make. The part of the code where you refer to a ‘child’ of an element, you were using a static value instead of the variable index.

    I’ve made the change for you here: elements[index].children....

    This will make sure that each child gets a different index rather than the same one. Just a little hiccup that needed to be addressed. Keep at it! You’re doing great!

  • Arjun

    13 June 2023 at 10:37 pm

    Without being able to see the actual code and the webpage, it’s quite challenging to determine the specific issue. However, the problem may stem from an incorrect implementation of the function or script that assigns the index for each line item. It’s possible that your implementation doesn’t allow the index to increment for each successive line item, resulting in the same index being assigned to each one. One possible solution is to ensure that your indexing function or script increments properly for each line item. Additionally, you should verify that the element you’re assigning the index to exists and is correctly identified in your function. Make sure to always test your code and check results after modifying. If you’re still having trouble, consider asking for help in a coding or Google Tag Manager forum, where you can provide your specific code for better assistance.

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