Learn business growth with Google Analytics 4 Forums Google Analytics 4 is it normal to have "Direct source" for the most of the traffic and purchses for new website | React and Google Analytics

  • is it normal to have "Direct source" for the most of the traffic and purchses for new website | React and Google Analytics

    Posted by Jesse on 4 August 2022 at 6:44 pm

    My website here newminatis has its most traffic from direct sources, which is weird as it doesn’t have good SEO practices.
    I’m running ads through social media and I would expect honestly to have the traffic from there, am I missing something in my implementation?

    I’m using react-ga4 and Google Analytics 4.

    here is how my Root looks.

    import MarketShop from 'pages/index'
    import FAQs from 'pages/legal/FAQs'
    import PrivacyPolicy from 'pages/legal/privacyPolicy'
    import ReturnPolicy from 'pages/legal/returnPolicy'
    import ShippingInformation from 'pages/legal/shippingInformation'
    import TermAndCondition from 'pages/legal/termsAndCondition'
    import React, { lazy, Suspense } from 'react'
    import {
    } from 'react-router-dom'
    import { ToastContainer } from 'react-toastify'
    import Child from './Child'
    import Checkout from 'pages/checkout'
    import Cart from 'pages/cart'
    import Shop from 'pages/shop'
    import Profile from 'pages/profile'
    import Blogs from 'pages/blogs'
    import OurStory from 'pages/legal/OurStory'
    import BackdropLoading from 'components/loading/BackdropLoading'
    import ReactGA from 'react-ga4'
    import ReactPixel from 'react-facebook-pixel'
    const LoginPage = lazy(() => import('pages/login'))
    const ProductDetails = lazy(() => import('pages/product/[slug]'))
    const Orders = lazy(() => import('pages/orders'))
    const OrderDetails = lazy(() => import('pages/orders/[id]'))
    const Payment = lazy(() => import('pages/payment'))
    const ReviewOrder = lazy(() => import('pages/reviewOrder'))
    const SignUpPage = lazy(() => import('pages/signup'))
    const AddressList = lazy(() => import('pages/address'))
    const AddressEditor = lazy(() => import('pages/address/[id]'))
    const ReviewPage = lazy(() => import('pages/reviewPage'))
    ReactPixel.init('xxxxxxxxxxxxx', null, {
        autoConfig: true,
        debug: true,
    const Root = () => {
        const router = createBrowserRouter([
                path: '/',
                element: <Child />,
                children: [
                        path: '',
                        element: <MarketShop />,
                        path: 'faqs',
                        element: <FAQs />,
                        path: 'blogs',
                        element: <Blogs />,
                        path: 'terms-and-conditions',
                        element: <TermAndCondition />,
                        path: 'privacy-policy',
                        element: <PrivacyPolicy />,
                        path: 'shipping-information',
                        element: <ShippingInformation />,
                        path: 'return-policy',
                        element: <ReturnPolicy />,
                        path: 'our-story',
                        element: <OurStory />,
                        path: '/cart',
                        element: <Cart />,
                        path: '/checkout',
                        element: <Checkout />,
                        path: '/payment',
                        element: <Payment />,
                        path: '/review_order',
                        element: <ReviewOrder />,
                        path: '/register',
                        element: <SignUpPage />,
                        path: '/login',
                        element: <LoginPage />,
                        path: '/shop',
                        element: <Shop />,
                        path: '/product/:id',
                        element: <ProductDetails />,
                        path: '/profile',
                        element: <Profile />,
                        path: '/address',
                        element: <AddressList />,
                        path: '/address/:id',
                        element: <AddressEditor />,
                        path: '/address/newAddress',
                        element: <AddressEditor />,
                        path: '/orders',
                        element: <Orders />,
                        path: '/orders/:id',
                        element: <OrderDetails />,
                path: '/review-product/:key',
                element: (
                    <Suspense fallback={<BackdropLoading open={true} />}>
                        <ReviewPage />
        return (
            <div className="app">
                <ToastContainer />
                <RouterProvider router={router} />
    export default Root

    Firing Event Add To Cart

     ReactGA.event('add_to_cart', {
                    currency: 'USD',
                    value: action.payload.price,
                    items: items,

    Firing Event Purchase

    ReactGA.event('purchase', {
                    currency: 'USD',
                    transaction_id: order_create.depoterOrderId,
                    value: order_create.total,


    Appreciate any assistance!

    Jesse replied 1 year, 3 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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