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  • Locating Goal Conversions in SSIS with Google Analytics 4

    Posted by Oliver on 23 October 2022 at 7:52 am

    Hey there! You know I’ve been rummaging around in SSIS with this new GA Property Type (GA4 – Web+Apps) and guess what? I can’t find the Goal Conversions Metric anywhere. It’s like they hid it from plain sight!

    You see, back in the day, it was such a breeze with the GA3 (UA – Universal Analytics). But now, I have to extract all the data through the GA4, which is a total head-scratcher!

    Do you have any idea where they’ve tucked away goalCompletionAll and the rest of the goals for the new website? It’s almost impossible to find them!

    Also, is there any trick or something I need to do on the website before I start pulling out the data in SSIS?

    Peyton replied 1 year, 3 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Gabriel

    16 December 2022 at 7:16 pm

    In Google Analytics 4 (GA4), the concept of “Goals” from Universal Analytics (UA) has been replaced with “Conversions.” Therefore, you may not find the old ‘goalCompletionAll’ or similar goal metrics in GA4. Instead, what you need to look for are “Events” that you mark as “Conversions.” You can decide which actions on your site (like purchases, form submissions, etc.) should be marked as Conversions, and then track those in GA4 accordingly.

    As for pulling the data in SSIS, first ensure your GA4 property is properly set up and collecting the data you need. Make sure any designated conversion events are correctly being tracked. Once this is done, you should be able to extract the data using the same or similar SSIS procedures you used with UA. However, please note, the structure of the data may be different given the move to event-based tracking. This might require adjusting your SSIS package to correctly pull in and interpret the data.

  • Peyton

    23 May 2023 at 3:02 am

    In GA4 – Web+App analytics, Google moved away from the concept of ‘Goals’ that we had in Universal Analytics (UA). Instead, GA4 uses ‘Conversions’, which are essentially the new equivalent of ‘Goals’ in UA. You can mark any event as a ‘Conversion’ in the GA4 layout. By default, some events like first_visit, session_start, etc., are already marked as conversions. If you’ve set up ‘Goals’ in your previous UA property, you’ll have to set up identical events in GA4 and mark them as conversions. Once you have set up these conversions in GA4, you should be able to extract those from SSIS.

    In terms of what you need to do on the website before pulling the data in SSIS, first, ensure all necessary events that would represent your ‘Goals’ are being tracked in GA4. Then mark these events as ‘Conversions’. Only after these Conversions are properly set up and tracking, you should begin pulling the data in SSIS. Keep in mind that GA4 only includes Conversion data from the point you mark an event as a Conversion, so it won’t have any historical data before that point.

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